In Control has been measured to reduce crashes by 70% compared to new drivers who only attend traditional driver education

VIDEO: Learn More About the In Control Crash Prevention Program

The training methodology originally derived through European research, has been tested over 15 years by In Control leading major insurers to offer our graduates significant auto policy discounts and organizations like the Boston Police Department to utilize our expertise in training officers. 

In 2007, after working with state legislators and department of transportation, In Control became the first state certified Drivers Skills Development Program in the United States and continues to lead the nation crash prevention training today.

Specifically, the training addresses the driving issues that most affect the safety of drivers while on the road. The inclusion of skills was developed after examining insurance and police data to find the most dangerous activities, and assessing the biggest needs.

All of the training is performed in our vehicles, and each hands-on drill is taught in the car one-on-one with one of In Control’s highly qualified instructors.

Our hands-on Crash Prevention 101 training includes:

  • Proper hands and seating

  • Emergency braking skills (ABS vs non-ABS)

  • Advanced steering, including over and under steering

  • Relationship between speed and control

  • Backing up skills and awareness

  • Following distance/tailgating

  • Anti-cell / txt messaging / distraction experience

  • Understanding vehicle safety technology

  • Emergency avoidance maneuvers

This is supplemented with classroom discussion and training that addresses:

  • Situational awareness and driving distractions (including cell / texting)

  • Impaired driving (distratcted, drinking, drugs and drowsy)

  • Understanding road-rage

  • Airbag awareness

  • Vehicle assessment & tire safety

  • Other topics pertinent to the specific individuals involved (contact us with specific curriculum enhancement requests)

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