The necessary skills to keep us all safer behind the wheel
In Control speaks to thousands of people each year through High School PTO presentations, Rotary Club speeches and other community safe driving events.
<-See program flyer. Students are provided the opportunity to ride with instructors on a series of drills educating them on a variety of safe driving concepts
While it is unlikely that our Crash Prevention 101 course can take place in your school parking lot (visit our Location's section for details on the space required), we do have school visit programs where teens ride with our instructors and learn the impact of speed, seat belts, distractions, and impairment. Check out our program flyer and contact us if you would like to help us find a funding source to bring this to your campus. In Massachusetts, your local police department can apply for a Municipal Road Safety grant to cover the cost of a community visit and our Crash Prevention 101 course for residents. The grant application is typically completed in June and funds are made available the following November. You can sign up to be reminded about this opportunity here.
In Control staff will present details about the dangers of driving and information about what other countries have done to reduce automobile related injuries and deaths.
Ultimately, In Control provides the necessary skills to keep us all safer behind the wheel. Ask about putting together community forums or small group discussions for your favorite organization.
"Most parents do not appreciate how dangerous driving is and In Control has a way of educating without scare tactics. I have seen them speak twice and learned something both times. All our children will take their course and I encourage others to invite them into your community, you won't be sorry."
— Jim Newton, MA —
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